Photo for US Nursing License
Create perfect photos for the desired document with 100% compliance guaranteed.
Concerning the US Nursing License
If you want to be a nurse, then you have to get approval to practice as an entry-level nurse in your state, also, you need to pass the NCLEX exam. So, in order to participate in the exam, you are required to submit an application beforehand. As you may already know, the application covers a photograph, and that is what AiPassportPhotos can help you with.
To become a registered nurse or RN, there are some must-know rules for you to follow, regardless of whether you are from America or an international candidate. One of the required documents to obtain a nursing license in the U.S. is a photo.
Instead of heading to a professional photo studio to have your picture taken, you can easily have it done in the comfort of your own home! AiPassportPhotos will ensure that you end up with a valid NCLEX application photo as required, leaving you more time to prepare for the coming exam. Below, we will go through the most important thing which you should be aware of if you plan to get a nursing license.
What Is The US Nursing License Photo Size?
The photo dimension of a US nursing license should be 2 x 2 inches and includes a close-up of your face and the tops of your shoulders, along with your face occupying 70% to 80% of the image, or 1 inch to 13/8 inch from the chin to the crown of your head. The picture taken must clearly show the person’s facial features in a straightforward position, from the tip of the chin to the top of the head as well as the left and right sides of the cheek.
General Photo Guidelines for US Nursing License
When it comes to taking photos for a US nursing license, there are some standard criteria that all applicants have to be met before applying. In case you don’t feel like going to a photo center to take photos for this document, you can easily take photos on your own by following our complete guides.
Photo Requirements Regarding the US Nursing License
- Background: The photo background has to be white with no patterns or shadows;
- Content: The photo must show only the photographed person, no other persons or objects should appear in the photo;
- Expression: The photo must be taken with eyes open but mouth closed, not laughing, smiling, frowning, or showing your teeth;
- Brightness: The photo is supposed to be neutral in color and skin tone should appear natural. The face must be evenly illuminated, reflections or shadows on the face, as well as red eyes caused by the flashlight on the camera, must be avoided;
- Position: The head should be neither at an angle nor turned. The head of the person photographed has to be square to the camera;
- Face: Your entire face and eyes should be straight towards the camera so that all your facial features from ear to cheek can be fully visible;
- Eyes: The person in the photo must look directly into the lens. The eyes must be open and clearly visible and may not be covered by the hair;
- Glasses: Make sure that there can not be any glare on the glass and the frame cannot cover any part of your eyes if you have to wear glasses. The eyes must be entirely recognizable. Tinted glasses or sunglasses are not permitted;
- Headwear: In most cases, head covering is not permitted. However, if you must wear one, make sure that the face is visible from the tip of the chin to the forehead. No shadows should be seen on the face;
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Put aside the above guidelines, one may still easily get into some trouble while taking photos for the US nursing license. That is also the reason why you should go through the most common mistakes to avoid making the same ones.
- Harmed photo ( damaged, overexposed, underexposed, or scratched photos are not allowed.);
- Incorrect photo (the required photo size is 2 inches by 2 inches.);
- Submit a selfie (a selfie is inappropriate for a nursing license.);
- Interfered photo (altered or retouched photo will lead to the photo being rejected.);
- Uneven lighting photo (too dark or too bright photo is not acceptable.);
- Red-eye effect (using a flashlight will cause the red-eyes effect and it is unacceptable.);
- Wrong background color (the background should be light and monochrome.).
Now that you know what you should not do and understand the requirements for a US nursing license, it is about time to check out our photo tool online. AiPassportPhotos goes beyond a photo maker but also performs well as a photo editor, resizer and checker all at once, making it easier for you to apply for a registered nurse license!
How to Quickly Get US Nursing Photos Online?
Since you have all the necessary information at hand, we believe that you are ready to take your nursing license photo. There are a few steps for your reference:
- Make sure that your camera has a decent resolution;
- Find the right spot in which you can take your picture. Remember all the rules about the background and lighting we discussed above;
- Take your picture by following all the other rules we stated above;
- Submit the picture to the AiPassportPhotos site. Simply upload a photo of your choice to our website.
Once we receive your picture, we will make sure that the photo complies with all the US nursing license photo requirements. After that, you will be able to download your picture to print it yourself. However, please make sure that you have photo-quality paper at hand. For your convenience, we also offer printing and mailing services. With our printout service, you can get your printed pictures directly shipped to your home, saving you time and effort.
Hopefully, the information above is helpful. If you have any more questions, do not hesitate to reach out to us via our Contact Us page.