Width: 35mm
Height: 45mm
Is it suitable for online submission?
305 dpi
Is it printable?
Image definition parameters
Head height: 34.7mm
Top of the Photo to Top of the Hair: 3mm
Background Color
Making perfect-size, high-quality and compliant visa photo at home is within everyone's reach now.
AiPassportPhotos can generate your digital biometric photos online in seconds, allowing you to get them printed at stores that provide photo services at a more favorable price.
The inception and application of AI technology is our trump card, which examines your passport photos online intelligently. Let modern technology escort your passport photos!
Rejection is depressing, but you will never experience discouragement anymore with the fully-featured photo tool, for AiPassportPhotos will ensure 100% acceptance of your photos.
Gone are days when you have to spend hours lining up for taking photos at a photo studio. With the help of AiPassportPhotos, you can get your online passport photos at home in seconds.
Width: 35mm
Height: 45mm
Is it suitable for online submission?
305 dpi
Is it printable?
Image definition parameters
Head height: 34.7mm
Top of the Photo to Top of the Hair: 3mm
Background Color
Plan to get a Canadian visa? If so, you must attach 2 identical photographs of yourself to your application as they will help to identify you at the Canadian border. However, you can't randomly submit a photo, instead, there are some strict requirements that you need to follow and you have better know them before applying for a visa.
As a matter of fact, the Embassy or Consulate will restrict the received photos and check whether or not they meet the requirements. If not, then your visa application process will surely be suspended until you submit the right pictures, which could waste both your time and money, or worse, miss out on your trip to Canada.
If you are from many countries that need a visa to enter the territory of Canada, then this page is of great use to you! Because we will provide you with the necessary information on how and where you can take your visa photo for Canada in the following.
Do you know how to pose correctly and how your head is supposed to be positioned when taking the photo, or which objects or accessories are allowed or forbidden in your photo? If not, we will go through this step by step to make sure that you understand how your visa photo will come out looking perfect and meeting all the official requirements.
Does this sound complicated? Don’t worry, the good news is that you don’t need to remember all these demands as we have the tool for you to do things right. It will be easier if you choose the necessary document on our website, for example, a Canadian visa, then our intelligent photo tool will automatically crop it to the perfect size according to the authority requirements. With the amazing digital and AI technology, you don’t even have to measure the dimensions as it is well designed to match all official requirements!
In most cases, the official requirement of the visa photo size must be at least 35 x 45mm, which is equivalent to 13/8 x 13/4 inch. And, it also seems to be the new size trend for most biometric photos in western countries. For instance, most European countries introduced this photo size as the official standard for documents like ID, passport, driver’s license, and visa.
Another visa picture requirement is that the head size from the chin to the top of the head must between 31 mm and 36 mm or 1.2 and 1.4 inches. This also means your whole face needs to occupy a specific amount of space in the picture.
In case you don’t want your visa to get rejected, then make sure that your photos are eligible and that you attached two identical photographs that fully match the requirements. To avoid errors, you should be aware of the most commonly made mistakes beforehand:
There you have it. Taking the perfect photo for a Canadian visa does not need to follow complicated steps or be time-consuming. For those who want to shoot a photo at home, we have the perfect solution: you can get it done in a few clicks and save a large part of the cost you would spend on a professional photography studio. Our photo maker tool is available online and you can take a lot of advantages of using it:
As you know by now, you don’t have to go to a shopping center for shopping or waiting in the long line at any institutions anymore. Now, you can shoot the perfect photo in the place of your choice, wherever and whenever you like. There is no need for you to take risk of being rejected and losing any of your precious time, instead, simply take the assistance of the AiPassportPhotos photo processor tool online.
Visa photo online is a digital editing and cropping tool that helps easily and quickly prepare the photo for your Canadian visa application document. Our AI-powered photo cropper utilizes modern technologies that check whether your photo is compliant with the official requirements of the Canadian visa photo. Furthermore, our photo editor will also automatically remove the background color in case there has any objects or patterns in the background.
The instructions on how to take a visa photo at home and create the perfect printable photo with our photo editing tool are so easy. All you need to do is take a picture with your smartphone and then upload it to our website, then the background removal and photo cropping will be done by our photo tool. If the photographs you have uploaded do not fulfill the requirements, our photo maker will tell you how to fix the errors and do the rest for you.
Last but not least, during uncertain times, especially during the pandemics period, taking pictures using an online application is obviously a safe solution. Since photo booths and professional photography studios are visited by many and various people every day, using online photo services is sure to be a smart and comfortable option.
There are three ways you can print your visa photos:
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